• info@hapake.org |
  • +254-727-141-455
  • Folow Us :

Education Programmes

Target : $30,000

We support and offer eductional assistance to the bright and needy students in the society,Let us work together to eradicate iliteracy in the horn of Africa.

Health and Nutrition

Target : $10,000

We seek to promote universal ,affordable and accessible health care people living in remote rural and informalsettlement areas.

Youth Empowerment


Creating and empowering youth to become self sustained ,create wealth,erradicate poverty and over reliance on relief donations,#change the story.

Climate Change Advocacy


Through our advocacy program we aim at educating the society on the need of environmental conservation.

Sustainable Agriculture

Target :$50,000

Actively helping every village get access by building better irrigation sytems and clean water for their livelihoods.

Women Empowerment


Helping every woman believe in their passion and their positions in the society through sustainable projects .

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